As this motion is using historical data, we may not have the record of the original ordering, in which case signatories are listed alphabetically.
That this House notes that Postcomm's proposals for postal competition have aroused unprecedented concern within Parliament; further notes that in total more than 225 different honourable Members from all parties have signed at least one of three critical early day motions; is also aware that the issue has been the subject of inquiries by the Trade and Industry Select Committee, the Public Accounts Committee and the Welsh Affairs Committee, as well as forming the subject of a number of adjournment debates, numerous Parliamentary questions and honourable Members' correspondence with Ministers; points out that reservations have been expressed in both the Welsh Assembly and Scottish Parliament; is extremely concerned that an unaccountable regulator can propose what neither Parliament nor the public wants; further believes that any final proposals for market liberalisation should only be published after Postcomm has undertaken its planned consultation on the future of the universal service obligation not before, as it currently intends; and calls for Postcomm's proposals for market liberalisation to be subject to full Parliamentary debate and approval.