As this motion is using historical data, we may not have the record of the original ordering, in which case signatories are listed alphabetically.
That this House notes with concern the continuing increase in crime involving firearms, including replica guns and illegally-modified airguns; notes that previous legislation following particular instances of armed crime has disadvantaged law-abiding sport shooters without attempting to tackle the causes of crime; considers that current legislation in terms of offences and penalties is already sufficient to deal with those who use firearms in ways inappropriate in a democratic society; commends the work of the national governing bodies for target shooting and their affiliated clubs in promoting the safe and lawful participation in an Olympic sport by persons of all ages, including the young and people with disabilities; and urges the Government in putting forward proposals for legislative change to recognise that further restrictions on the use of firearms for sporting purposes by law-abiding citizens will have no impact on reducing their possession for criminal purposes.