As this motion is using historical data, we may not have the record of the original ordering, in which case signatories are listed alphabetically.
That this House notes that most pastoral land in England and Wales was created through the clearance of scrub and woodland thousands of years ago; notes that carefully-managed grazing plays a vital role in the management of our most important wildlife habitats, landscapes and historial and archaeological features such as burial mounds and ancient field systems; notes the use of grasslands for flood relief measures and the removal of carbon from the atmosphere; notes that grazing enriches the public's enjoyment of the countryside through the provision of open vistas and pathways; notes that the future of grazing livestock is threatened by many factors including poor profitability, excessive bureaucracy, the risk of diseases and low agri-environmental payments which currently do not offer a fair reward for the costs of countryside management; welcomes the debate initiated by the Country Land and Business Association's report, A Future for Livestock Grazing, the recommendations of which it commends; and notes ICM research commissioned by the CLA which shows that 77 per cent. of people agree that the countryside in England and Wales would look worse without cattle and sheep.