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EDM (Early Day Motion) 1609: tabled on 07 September 2004

Tabled in the 2003-04 session.

This motion has been signed by 9 Members. It has not yet had any amendments submitted.

As this motion is using historical data, we may not have the record of the original ordering, in which case signatories are listed alphabetically.

Motion text

That this House recognises the immense contribution that the Scottish regiments have made to the British Army over the last four centuries and the continuing need to ensure that the Army is deployed effectively in order for the UK to continue to play its part in securing peace and democracy across the globe; further believes that the proposals to reduce the strength of the British Army from 40 to 36 battalions may well hamper the armed forces' ability to fulfil the operations requirements being paced upon it and will have an adverse effect on the morale of those regiments, including the Black Watch, currently undertaking a difficult tour of duty in Iraq, whose futures are now under threat; and calls on the Government to rethink the proposals for the reduction in strength of the British Army, to retain all six Scottish infantry regiments and to do all it can to promote and encourage recruitment to both regular and territorial units of the Army throughout the UK.