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EDM (Early Day Motion) 1744: tabled on 14 October 2004

Tabled in the 2003-04 session.

This motion has been signed by 12 Members. It has received 1 amendment.

As this motion is using historical data, we may not have the record of the original ordering, in which case signatories are listed alphabetically.

Amendment to this motion

There has been an amendment submitted to this motion.

View details of the amendment

Motion text

That this House notes that the Stop the War Coalition leaders recently put out a statement by e-mail to its supporters which backed 'the legitimacy of the struggle of the Iraqi people, by whatever means they find necessary' to end occupation; believes that this scurrilous statement would strongly imply support for the so-called resistance and thereby acquiesce in the murders of more people such as Ken Bigley, as well as hundreds of ordinary Iraqis; further notes, however, that versions of the statement published in the Morning Star and on the Stop the War website exclude the words 'by whatever means they find necessary'; expresses the hope that the Coalition's leadership has disavowed these outrageous words which will only encourage those who use physical force in Iraq; and urges the Stop the War leadership to clarify its position without delay, reassure the public that they have not lost their moral bearings and, if this is a policy statement made internally to their membership, to withdraw it and institute internal action against those who issued this terrible statement to make sure that such highly offensive positions are never taken again.

After a motion has been tabled, other Members can table amendments to it. Amendments to this motion are shown below.

Line 1, leave out from 'coalition' to end and insert 'has been central in organising anti-war activity in Britain since its foundation in 2001; when it organised the biggest demonstration in British history on February 15th 2003; further notes that the violence in Iraq during the invasion and since the occupation by the USA and Britain has cost the lives of US, British, other coalition and Iraqi service people and an uncounted number of Iraqi civilians; believes that much of the unacceptable violence in Iraq is a result of the occupation; and calls for a timetabled withdrawal of UK forces from Iraq.'
Labour, Islington North
EDM 1744A1: tabled on 15 October 2004