As this motion is using historical data, we may not have the record of the original ordering, in which case signatories are listed alphabetically.
That this House welcomes the recognition by the United Nations and the World Health Organisation that there is a global road safety crisis by joining forces and dedicating World Health Day on 7th April to safer roads under the slogan Road Safety is no Accident and United Nations' Road Safety Week from 5th to 11th April to addressing aggressive driving behaviour; further welcomes the World Health Organisation's groundbreaking report on road injury prevention, which will be launched by the World Health Organisation and the French Government in Paris and in the United Kingdom by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and RoadPeace in London; supports the call by the United Nations for greater political responsibility and multidisciplinary collaboration to tackle the magnitude of the problem more effectively; further supports the World Health Organisation's plans to involve advocacy, non-governmental organisations, such as RoadPeace, in their efforts aimed at road injury prevention; and calls on all parliamentarians to play their part in averting this problem, and ensuring better support for road victims and a far more serious and fitting treatment of road death and injury by the legal system.