As this motion is using historical data, we may not have the record of the original ordering, in which case signatories are listed alphabetically.
That this House applauds the recent launch of the Play Fair at the Olympics campaign organised in the UK by Oxfam, the Trades Union Congress and the Clean Clothes Campaign - labour behind the label; notes that it forms part of a global campaign focusing on the harsh and precarious employment conditions prevalent among millions of workers in the sportswear and athletic footwear industry, most of whom are women; further recognises that the Olympics are a showcase for fairness and human achievement and that the Olympic Charter promotes respect for fundamental principles of human worth, dignity and fairness but questions whether respect for these principles extends to all companies making branded sportswear for Olympians and consumers worldwide; and calls on this House to support the campaign by urging sportswear companies, the International Olympic Committee and British Olympic Association to meet Play fair at the Olympics to discuss what practical steps can be taken to ensure that products bearing Olympic symbols are produced with due regard to the rights of the workers who make them and that the British Government should use its influence where possible to help make sure that the spirit of the Olympics extends to all those involved in the games.