As this motion is using historical data, we may not have the record of the original ordering, in which case signatories are listed alphabetically.
That this House commemorates the 40th anniversary of the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy on 22nd November 1963; remembers with fondness and admiration a great, compassionate and devoted leader whose life was tragically cut short; reflects on President Kennedy's many accomplishments during his short time in office, his dynamic, vibrant and charismatic personality, his unwavering faith in public service and his unparalleled ability to motivate and rouse people, from all sectors of society, through both his inspirational rhetoric and truly empathetic actions; shares his belief that people can solve their common problems if they put their country's interests first and work together in harmony; admires his courage and willingness to fight for new Government programmes to help the poor, the elderly, the ill and the abused; further admires his prioritisation of civil rights and eagerness to fight for those segregated and mistreated in American society - be it on racial or other grounds; recognises his realisation that the war in Vietnam was a war that had to be fought and won by the South Vietnamese people rather than the United States of America; praises and commends President Kennedy, and his family, for all their tireless, selfless and dedicated work for the American people and for keeping the beliefs, hopes, inspirations, dreams and work of President Kennedy alive; and shares the belief expressed in the words of his brother Senator Edward Kennedy, when he said 'the hope endures, the dream shall never die'.