As this motion is using historical data, we may not have the record of the original ordering, in which case signatories are listed alphabetically.
That this House notes with concern that there are three million people in fuel poverty; further notes that there is considerably more work to be done if the Government is to meet its target to eradicate fuel poverty amongst the vulnerable by 2010; believes that social tariffs have a key role to play in helping the fuel poor both to manage their energy costs and to heat their homes to a comfortable and safe standard; welcomes the decision by British Gas and EdF energy to introduce social tariffs for their most vulnerable customers; notes that under the British Gas social tariff vulnerable customers on its gas and electricity prepayment meters will be eligible for the same lower tariffs as direct debit customers, which will see those customers' bills fall by an average of about £285 per annum; and calls on all other energy suppliers to introduce social tariffs which ensure that vulnerable customers pay at the same rate as the lowest direct debit rate.