leave out from `House' to end and add `notes reports of incidents in which journalists have been intimidated and some murdered and urges the authorities in Kurdistan to expedite prosecutions against perpetrators; further notes the recent fifth report of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Kurdistan region which finds that the Region's free media and transparency are underdeveloped, few journalists are trained and fair reporting is not culturally or legally ingrained; supports its belief that the best can shame the worst but needs a helping hand such as that offered by independent organisations such as the Kurdistan Media Centre and the IWPR; agrees that insufficient government transparency is part of a legacy of secrecy which was sustained through living under and resistance to dictatorship, the absence of reliable information and mistrust of journalists by government officials who have been misquoted or feel they have been defamed and have become reluctant to deal with the media; recognises that a culture of freedom of information needs to be developed alongside a professional and responsible media; and wishes well to the current all-party talks which seek to further various reforms on issues which inspired demonstrations in Kurdistan which sadly resulted in the deaths of 10 demonstrators and police officers as well as hundreds of injuries, which should also mean policing reforms to better deal with violent demonstrations and uphold peaceable assembly and free expression.'.