As this motion is using historical data, we may not have the record of the original ordering, in which case signatories are listed alphabetically.
That this House supports workers at the homeless organisation St Mungo's Broadway in defending their terms and conditions and the service that they deliver to some of the most vulnerable in our society; condemns the significant pay rises to the executive including one to the Chief Executive of over £30,000; contrasts this rise with a claim that front line pay must be removed from collective bargaining and cut by 19 per cent, thus ignoring the union representing the majority of the workforce and imposing these unnecessary changes via a retrospective consultation and following the provision of highly questionable financial information; notes that the future of supported housing should not be left in the hands of individuals who undermine front line worker pay whilst raising their own salaries and who attempt to justify this by claiming they are simply following the market; and calls on the executive and board of St Mungo's Broadway to honour their recognition agreement with Unite and act to resolve this dispute immediately.