As this motion is using historical data, we may not have the record of the original ordering, in which case signatories are listed alphabetically.
That this House is shocked at the disappearance of 43 students from their college, Ayotzinapa, in Guerrero, Mexico on 26 September 2014; sends its sympathies and solidarity to their families and teachers; calls for the Mexican government and authorities to take all possible action to locate the missing students and bring to justice those responsible for their abduction; is deeply concerned that their disappearance comes after more than 25,000 people have disappeared in Mexico since 2006; acknowledges that the disappeared often include the very vulnerable such as poor migrants, indigenous people, peasants, children and women; highlights the concerns of UK parliamentarians, Amnesty International and other bodies regarding the human rights situation in Mexico as exemplified in a seminar held just last week organised by the APPG Mexico and APPG Human Rights and attended by Mexico's Deputy Ambassador and others; offers its support to all those in Mexico who stand up for human rights and justice against corruption and violence; calls on the Government to support further dialogue between UK parliamentarians, Mexican government officials, relevant Foreign and Commonwealth Office officials and human rights organisations on human rights reform as a matter of the utmost urgency.