As this motion is using historical data, we may not have the record of the original ordering, in which case signatories are listed alphabetically.
That this House welcomes the result of the elections in Burma; congratulates the National League for Democracy party on gaining two-thirds of seats they needed to control both Houses; calls for the release of all political prisoners and journalists; recognises the rights of the Rohingya and that all internally displaced people should be returned home; notes that human rights and equality go hand-in-hand with economic development; believes that freedom of religion or belief should be upheld for people of all faiths; recalls the principles of the historic Panglong Conference of 1947 and to establish a federal system based on these principles of autonomy and equal rights for ethnic states within a federal united Burma; urges leaders of all religious groups in Burma to meet in the same spirit to bring about peace and reconciliation; and calls on the UK Government to continue to support the Burmese parliament and to strengthen Burma's democratic institutions.