As this motion is using historical data, we may not have the record of the original ordering, in which case signatories are listed alphabetically.
That this House regrets the decision to waste £107,000 on the vanity printing of Acts of Parliament on vellum even though efficient digital alternatives are available at nugatory cost; believes that Parliament will be held in contempt and ridicule for selective austerity applied without mercy to 500,000 victims of the bedroom tax, 2.7 million women who have been cheated out of years of pension payments and 550,000 disabled people denied £30 a week of their meagre incomes, while spending without limit on an internal parliamentary extravagance which is untouched by cost discipline; emphasises that this decision illustrates how remote some hon. Members are from public opinion, especially those casualties of the Government's cuts; notes that the Minister who urged this spending also approved, in defiance of civil service-published advice, a grant of £3 million to Kids Company three days before that charity collapsed; and congratulates the House of Lords, which has proved that it is aware of the need for consistency in Government cuts with a common sense attitude to frivolous flummery.