As this motion is using historical data, we may not have the record of the original ordering, in which case signatories are listed alphabetically.
That this House notes the urgency of tackling climate change and the Government’s signing of the Paris Agreement; further notes the first International Energy Association annual report on global energy investment which warns that global investment in renewables needs to triple to meet the Paris Agreement commitments; takes note of the report from the Energy and Climate Change Committee warning that the UK’s existing 2020 renewable energy targets are unlikely to be met; expresses deep concern at the changes to the rateable value of rooftop photovoltaic solar panels being proposed by the Valuation Office Agency, which may result in a six to eight-fold increase in the business rate charges to businesses, community groups and schools for the use of their own rooftop solar across the UK; notes the popularity, importance and affordability of solar power; and calls on the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Department for Communities and Local Government and HM Treasury to take action to prevent unexpected and extreme business rate rises for solar and thus guarantee that the industry and its diverse investors are treated consistently to help ensure the rapid and cost-effective transition to a low-carbon UK economy.