leave out from "House" to end and insert, "notes that the proposal for the Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon currently involves sourcing the necessary armour rock from Dean Quarry in St Keverne parish on The Lizard in Cornwall, which has been disused for a decade; further notes that the reopening of the quarry on the proposed scale would damage an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, a Site of Special Scientific Interest, dark skies, an archaeological site and, in particular, the newly-designated Manacles Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ), ships' graveyard, home to wildlife and divers' paradise; commends the recent Seasearch report on The Manacles, which makes clear the damage renewed quarrying would cause; understands that since the quarry was last exploited a number of businesses have grown up locally which rely on a clean and quiet environment; fears for the 100-odd sustainable jobs provided by these undertakings, which far outnumber any offered by the reopening of the quarry; is aware that there are other possible sources of suitable rock, one of which is also in the UK but is six miles from the nearest road rather than 400 yards from houses and half a mile from a school and is equally able to ship rock by sea; and calls on the Government to do all in its power to ensure that should the Tidal Lagoon project proceed it will not be at the expense of the environment, national network of MCZs, economy and communities of East Lizard.