Motion text
That this House is aware of the vital and pressing need for a new hospital in Harlow; understands that this would be a hospital, not only for the population of Harlow, but of Hertfordshire and the rest of Essex too; further understands that the most cost efficient option, offering the greatest benefit to patients and staff, is the development of a hospital health campus; notes that the hospital health campus would bring together accident and emergency services, GP provision, social care, physiotherapy and a new ambulance hub in state of the art, purpose-built facilities; further notes the support of 10 local councils for this proposal, including Harlow District Council, Epping Forest District Council, Essex County Council and the Greater London Authority; notes the support of the West Essex Clinical Commissioning Group; notes the support of the Hertfordshire and West Essex STP, which brings together 13 local bodies and hospital trusts; notes the support of seven neighbouring hon. Members; is further aware that the hospital health campus would bring healthcare in Harlow, Hertfordshire and the rest of Essex into the 21st Century; and urges the Government to make capital funding available for the development of a new health campus in Harlow.
Signatures (4)
The first 6 Members who have signed to support the motion are the sponsors. The primary sponsor is generally the person who tabled the motion and has responsibility for it. The date shown is when the Member signed the motion.
There are no withdrawn signatures for this motion.