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EDM (Early Day Motion) 1353: tabled on 07 June 2018

Tabled in the 2017-19 session.

This motion has been signed by 11 Members. It has not yet had any amendments submitted.

Motion text

That this House recognises that Age UK Newcastle has encountered difficulties and will no longer be able to function in its current form; notes that Age UK Gateshead stated that it would consider delivering some existing services of Age UK Newcastle; is hopeful that Newcastle Council and Age UK nationally write-off all Age UK Newcastle's liabilities, so as to not jeopardise the future of Age UK Gateshead; understands that Age UK Gateshead's aim is to try and protect the services that support the older people of Newcastle, once the liabilities are removed; further understands that too many older people rely on these services for there to be any uncertainty in how services are delivered; is supportive of Age UK Gateshead and hopeful that Age UK makes a positive decision very soon, to help Age UK Gateshead to continue delivering excellence; and calls on the Government to support Age UK Gateshead in this endeavor.