Motion text
That this House notes that more than 5,000 potential victims of modern slavery and trafficking were referred to UK authorities in 2017, the most ever reported; further notes that the number of cases of modern slavery in Wales reported in 2017 was 56 per cent higher than the year before; recognises North Wales Police as the first police force in Wales to establish a Modern Slavery Unit; further recognises this as a key part of the bid to tackle the growing issue by Arfon Jones, North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner; welcomes North Wales Police for being the first police force to appoint a dedicated Victim Support officer for victims and survivors of modem slavery; commends Arfon Jones for his pioneering work in helping victims and survivors of modern slavery; and calls on the Government to provide adequate resources to police forces to ensure they are equipped to deal with this crime.
Signatures (9)
The first 6 Members who have signed to support the motion are the sponsors. The primary sponsor is generally the person who tabled the motion and has responsibility for it. The date shown is when the Member signed the motion.
Saville Roberts, Liz
Plaid Cymru
Signed on
26 October 2018
Williams, Hywel
Plaid Cymru
Signed on
26 October 2018
Edwards, Jonathan
Plaid Cymru
Signed on
26 October 2018
Lake, Ben
Plaid Cymru
Signed on
26 October 2018
Robinson, Gavin
Democratic Unionist Party
Signed on
29 October 2018
Shannon, Jim
Democratic Unionist Party
Signed on
29 October 2018
In addition to the sponsors, the following Members have signed to support the motion.
There are no withdrawn signatures for this motion.