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EDM (Early Day Motion) 2714: tabled on 05 September 2019

Tabled in the 2017-19 session.

This motion has been signed by 11 Members. It has not yet had any amendments submitted.

Motion text

That this House notes with concern the decision by ASDA to proceed with proposals to put all hourly paid employees on flexible contracts (Contract 6) despite considerable concern about the proposed changes to employee terms and conditions; further notes that the flexibility clause in Contract 6 will force employees to work at any time, any place, anywhere which risks a hugely damaging effect on the part-time, low-paid workforce who need flexibility that works for them; notes that employees would be potentially losing up to eight paid holidays a year under new entitlement; notes with concern that the requirement for flexibility and a change in shift patterns would see any rise in hourly pay rendered meaningless if staff work fewer hours because of the new contract, potentially costing some employees hundreds of pounds; highlights reported heavy handed tactics on the part of ASDA with staff being told to accept the terms and conditions or their contract would be terminated; supports the work of the GMB in seeking further negations to highlight the vast majority of its members employed by ASDA asked in a consultative ballot who responded with the view that they did not agree with Contract 6; and urges ASDA to further meet with trade unions and employees and give the workforce a fair deal with the aim of becoming a market leader in employee terms and conditions.