Motion text
That this House notes that there is a growing recognition that intimidation experienced by those in public life poses a threat to the diversity, integrity, and vibrancy of representative democracy in the UK; further notes that tackling intimidation is a cross-party issue, the abuse and intimidation knows no political boundaries; welcomes the ongoing work on developing a Joint Standard of Conduct for all political parties, one of the key recommendations of the Intimidation in Public Life Report published by the Committee on Standards in Public Life in December 2017; further welcomes the partnership between the Committee on Standard in Public Life and the Jo Cox Foundation to expedite this work; calls on all party leaders to commit in principle to the Joint Standard of Conduct, to undertake to uphold the Joint Standard alongside parties' existing internal frameworks and to do all in their power to facilitate mutual agreement of the terms of the Joint Standard before the next General Election; notes polls show that the British public reject the current toxicity of discourse and debate; and believes that a common and cross-party commitment to the Joint Standard will send a powerful, positive and hopeful message at a time when it is sorely needed.
Signatures (24)
The first 6 Members who have signed to support the motion are the sponsors. The primary sponsor is generally the person who tabled the motion and has responsibility for it. The date shown is when the Member signed the motion.
McGovern, Alison
Signed on
7 October 2019
Mitchell, Mr Andrew
Signed on
7 October 2019
Flint, Caroline
Signed on
7 October 2019
Gyimah, Mr Sam
Liberal Democrat
Signed on
7 October 2019
Crouch, Tracey
Signed on
7 October 2019
Harman, Ms Harriet
Signed on
7 October 2019
In addition to the sponsors, the following Members have signed to support the motion.
Hayes, Sir John
Signed on
7 October 2019
Hoey, Kate
Signed on
7 October 2019
Clarke, Mr Kenneth
Signed on
7 October 2019
Jarvis, Dan
Signed on
7 October 2019
Amess, Sir David
Signed on
7 October 2019
Benn, Hilary
Signed on
7 October 2019
Lamb, Norman
Liberal Democrat
Signed on
7 October 2019
Duffield, Rosie
Signed on
7 October 2019
Kinnock, Stephen
Signed on
7 October 2019
Kyle, Peter
Signed on
7 October 2019
Reeves, Rachel
Signed on
7 October 2019
Lucas, Caroline
Green Party
Signed on
7 October 2019
Powell, Lucy
Signed on
7 October 2019
Coaker, Vernon
Signed on
7 October 2019
Cooper, Yvette
Signed on
7 October 2019
Elliott, Julie
Signed on
7 October 2019
Lynch, Holly
Signed on
7 October 2019
Cunningham, Mr Jim
Signed on
8 October 2019
There are no withdrawn signatures for this motion.