Motion text
That this House recognises the achievements of Into Film in giving every child and young person aged 5 to 19 in the UK the chance to experience film creatively; commends the organisation's ability to develop a passion for cinema in children through the creation of film clubs and stimulating discussion; congratulates the organisation for increasing children's enjoyment of school, literacy skills, social skills, cultural awareness and creativity; acknowledges the importance of enrichment and development opportunities for children in order to improve a variety of skills; commends the achievements of Claire Docherty as the film club leader at St Louise's Primary School in East Kilbride who has dedicated herself to the film club improving the interpersonal relationships and communication skills of the children attending; and wishes every success to the St Louise Primary School film club, other Into Film clubs and Into Film as an organisation in the future.
Signatures (17)
The first 6 Members who have signed to support the motion are the sponsors. The primary sponsor is generally the person who tabled the motion and has responsibility for it. The date shown is when the Member signed the motion.
Cameron, Dr Lisa
Scottish National Party
Signed on
30 October 2019
Shannon, Jim
Democratic Unionist Party
Signed on
31 October 2019
Barron, Sir Kevin
Signed on
4 November 2019
Stephens, Chris
Scottish National Party
Signed on
4 November 2019
Creagh, Mary
Signed on
4 November 2019
Pound, Stephen
Signed on
4 November 2019
In addition to the sponsors, the following Members have signed to support the motion.
Lucas, Ian C.
Signed on
4 November 2019
Hill, Mike
Signed on
4 November 2019
Rimmer, Ms Marie
Signed on
4 November 2019
Howarth, Sir George
Signed on
4 November 2019
Cooper, Rosie
Signed on
4 November 2019
Austin, Ian
Signed on
4 November 2019
Flint, Caroline
Signed on
4 November 2019
Gapes, Mike
The Independent Group for Change
Signed on
4 November 2019
Amesbury, Mike
Signed on
4 November 2019
Sobel, Alex
Signed on
4 November 2019
Godsiff, Mr Roger
Signed on
5 November 2019
There are no withdrawn signatures for this motion.