Motion text
That this house notes that hospitality and the UK tourism industry are among the hardest hit by the necessary social distancing policies in place during the covid-19 outbreak; further notes that 80 per cent of workers in the hotel and food industries are furloughed and up to a third may be at risk in the longer term of losing their jobs; recognises that in the Lake District 80 per cent of the working population are employed in tourism or hospitality; further recognises research from Cumbria Tourism indicating that the cost of coronavirus in Cumbria may reach £1.45 billion by May 2020, translating into 18,459 job losses; further notes that the seasonal nature of the tourism industry means that many businesses will not be able to generate the necessary level of income to avoid closing down after the support packages end; and calls on the Government to introduce a 12 month financial support package to secure the survival of the UK tourism and hospitality industry until the summer of 2021.
Signatures (11)
The first 6 Members who have signed to support the motion are the sponsors. The primary sponsor is generally the person who tabled the motion and has responsibility for it. The date shown is when the Member signed the motion.
Farron, Tim
Liberal Democrat
Signed on
29 April 2020
Stone, Jamie
Liberal Democrat
Signed on
4 May 2020
Davey, Sir Edward
Liberal Democrat
Signed on
4 May 2020
Carmichael, Mr Alistair
Liberal Democrat
Signed on
4 May 2020
Lucas, Caroline
Green Party
Signed on
4 May 2020
Olney, Sarah
Liberal Democrat
Signed on
4 May 2020
In addition to the sponsors, the following Members have signed to support the motion.
There are no withdrawn signatures for this motion.