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Support for Local Authorities during the Covid-19 outbreak

EDM (Early Day Motion) 410: tabled on 29 April 2020

Tabled in the 2019-21 session.

This motion has been signed by 20 Members. It has not yet had any amendments submitted.

Motion text

That this House expresses its gratitude for the hard work of local authorities in helping to ensure that vulnerable groups are protected during the covid-19 pandemic; recognises the vital role that local authorities are playing in the co-ordination and running of local support groups that distribute food and medication and identify vulnerable people within the community; and calls on the Government to provide the necessary financial support and urgently clarify how and when that support will be distributed.

The first 6 Members who have signed to support the motion are the sponsors. The primary sponsor is generally the person who tabled the motion and has responsibility for it. The date shown is when the Member signed the motion.

In addition to the sponsors, the following Members have signed to support the motion.

There are no withdrawn signatures for this motion.