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World Press Freedom Day

EDM (Early Day Motion) 411: tabled on 30 April 2020

Tabled in the 2019-21 session.

This motion has been signed by 21 Members. It has not yet had any amendments submitted.

Motion text

That this House supports World Press Freedom Day and the #FreeThePress campaign; supports the principles that journalists should be able to undertake their vital work unfettered by governments, that journalists jailed for reporting the facts should be freed, and that attacks against journalists are properly investigated with the alleged perpetrators brought to justice; notes with considerable concern the increased pressures and risks facing independent journalists and journalism worldwide during the covid-19 pandemic; calls on the Government to encourage governments overseas to uphold media freedom by not adopting or immediately repealing, disproportionate or unnecessary measures, including legislative provisions on fake news, internet restrictions, and limitations on journalists’ accreditation and access during the covid-19 pandemic; and further calls on the Government to provide an update on its activities in relation to its global media freedom campaign launched last year, and to condemn publicly and hold to account governments including China, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Iran, Egypt, Eritrea and Azerbaijan, that feature at the bottom of the latest Reporters Without Borders’ annual world press freedom index.

The first 6 Members who have signed to support the motion are the sponsors. The primary sponsor is generally the person who tabled the motion and has responsibility for it. The date shown is when the Member signed the motion.

In addition to the sponsors, the following Members have signed to support the motion.

There are no withdrawn signatures for this motion.