Motion text
That this House is concerned that many individuals who contracted covid-19 are continuing to be affected by the virus many months after their initial infection; notes that these post-viral symptoms can include: extreme fatigue, dizziness, severe headaches and muscular pain, inability to concentrate and post-exertional malaise; further notes that exercise can amplify these symptoms; recognises that many of these symptoms are familiar to those suffering from post-viral conditions, such as myalgic encephalomyelitis; calls on the Government to make a clear statement that increasing levels of exercise may have adverse long-term health effects for those recovering from covid-19; and urges the Government to make a statement on the financial support that will be made available for people who are currently unable to return to work as a result of post-Covid-19 symptoms.
Signatures (37)
The first 6 Members who have signed to support the motion are the sponsors. The primary sponsor is generally the person who tabled the motion and has responsibility for it. The date shown is when the Member signed the motion.
Monaghan, Carol
Scottish National Party
Signed on
8 September 2020
Gwynne, Andrew
Signed on
9 September 2020
Lewis, Clive
Signed on
9 September 2020
Shannon, Jim
Democratic Unionist Party
Signed on
9 September 2020
McDonald, Stewart Malcolm
Scottish National Party
Signed on
9 September 2020
Ferrier, Margaret
Scottish National Party
Signed on
9 September 2020
In addition to the sponsors, the following Members have signed to support the motion.
Ribeiro-Addy, Bell
Signed on
9 September 2020
MacAskill, Kenny
Scottish National Party
Signed on
9 September 2020
Lake, Ben
Plaid Cymru
Signed on
9 September 2020
Brock, Deidre
Scottish National Party
Signed on
9 September 2020
Edwards, Jonathan
Signed on
9 September 2020
MacNeil, Angus Brendan
Scottish National Party
Signed on
9 September 2020
Lewell-Buck, Mrs Emma
Signed on
9 September 2020
Girvan, Paul
Democratic Unionist Party
Signed on
9 September 2020
Thewliss, Alison
Scottish National Party
Signed on
9 September 2020
Stone, Jamie
Liberal Democrat
Signed on
9 September 2020
Fellows, Marion
Scottish National Party
Signed on
10 September 2020
Lucas, Caroline
Green Party
Signed on
11 September 2020
Tami, Mark
Signed on
11 September 2020
Grady, Patrick
Scottish National Party
Signed on
11 September 2020
Whitford, Dr Philippa
Scottish National Party
Signed on
14 September 2020
Bruce, Fiona
Signed on
14 September 2020
Stephens, Chris
Scottish National Party
Signed on
14 September 2020
Law, Chris
Scottish National Party
Signed on
14 September 2020
Nicolson, John
Scottish National Party
Signed on
15 September 2020
Betts, Mr Clive
Signed on
15 September 2020
Russell-Moyle, Lloyd
Signed on
15 September 2020
Morris, Grahame
Signed on
16 September 2020
Callaghan, Amy
Scottish National Party
Signed on
17 September 2020
Dorans, Allan
Scottish National Party
Signed on
20 September 2020
Hanvey, Neale
Scottish National Party
Signed on
23 September 2020
Gibson, Patricia
Scottish National Party
Signed on
24 September 2020
Williams, Hywel
Plaid Cymru
Signed on
25 September 2020
Saville Roberts, Liz
Plaid Cymru
Signed on
25 September 2020
Wishart, Pete
Scottish National Party
Signed on
29 September 2020
Blake, Olivia
Signed on
30 September 2020
Cooper, Daisy
Liberal Democrat
Signed on
22 February 2021
There are no withdrawn signatures for this motion.