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Opposing Lawfare in Latin America

EDM (Early Day Motion) 870: tabled on 10 September 2020

Tabled in the 2019-21 session.

This motion has been signed by 14 Members. It has not yet had any amendments submitted.

Motion text

That this House is deeply concerned by the growing abuses of the legal system for political purposes in Latin America to exclude candidates from running in elections; notes that this practice known as lawfare was used to prevent Workers’ Party leader Lula da Silva from standing in the last presidential election in Brazil, where he was favourite to win, with Jair Bolsonaro subsequently elected; condemns the recent use of lawfare against Rafael Correa in Ecuador that has ruled him out as a candidate for Vice President in the coming elections and the exclusion of Evo Morales as a candidate for the Bolivian Senate; believes free and fair elections in those countries would include those candidates; notes that such anti-democratic practices have targeted politicians opposed to unpopular neo-liberal policies; and further believes that the UK government should make clear its opposition to the use of lawfare.