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Government funding for zoos and aquariums

EDM (Early Day Motion) 937: tabled on 29 September 2020

Tabled in the 2019-21 session.

This motion has been signed by 13 Members. It has not yet had any amendments submitted.

Motion text

That this House is concerned that not a single zoo has yet benefited from the Government’s Zoo Animals Fund and that very few are likely to stand to benefit from that funding; notes that, including the previous Zoo Support Fund, only 2 per cent of the Government’s support funds for that sector have been spent; is further concerned that, despite the UK facing at least a further six months of covid-19 related restrictions, and zoos and aquariums entering an extremely challenging winter period, the deadline for applications for that fund is currently set as 16 November 2020; recognises that zoos and aquariums urgently need to be able to access that Government fund but are prevented from doing so by overly restrictive eligibility criteria and an absence of support for the invaluable conservation, education and research work carried out by that sector; and calls on the Government to ring-fence that £100 million fund into 2021 and work with sector representatives in order to review the eligibility criteria for that fund, ensuring that zoos and aquariums can access this much needed support.