Motion text
That this House welcomes the report on Foetal Sentience and Pain commissioned by the all-party Parliamentary pro-life group; recognises that recent research by Dr Stuart WG Derbyshire and John C Bockmann PA in the Journal of Medical Ethics supports the view that babies in the womb may feel pain from as early as 12 weeks’ gestation; welcomes the provision of pain relief for babies in the womb undergoing surgery for spina bifida between 20 and 26 weeks’ gestation; regrets the inconsistency in NHS practice that recommends pain relief for spina bifida surgery from 20 weeks’ gestation but not for abortion at the same gestation; notes that the killing of protected animals from two-thirds of gestation is subject to tighter legal regulation than unborn humans being aborted from the same stage of development; and calls on the Government to review its official guidance on fetal pain, requiring that pain relief be provided from at least 12 weeks’ gestation for all invasive medical procedures involving babies in the womb, including abortion.
Signatures (29)
The first 6 Members who have signed to support the motion are the sponsors. The primary sponsor is generally the person who tabled the motion and has responsibility for it. The date shown is when the Member signed the motion.
Lockhart, Carla
Democratic Unionist Party
Signed on
12 January 2021
Girvan, Paul
Democratic Unionist Party
Signed on
12 January 2021
Shannon, Jim
Democratic Unionist Party
Signed on
13 January 2021
Robinson, Gavin
Democratic Unionist Party
Signed on
14 January 2021
Donaldson, Sir Jeffrey M
Democratic Unionist Party
Signed on
14 January 2021
Paisley, Ian
Democratic Unionist Party
Signed on
18 January 2021
In addition to the sponsors, the following Members have signed to support the motion.
Blackman, Bob
Signed on
18 January 2021
Swayne, Sir Desmond
Signed on
25 January 2021
Cameron, Dr Lisa
Scottish National Party
Signed on
25 January 2021
Wilson, Sammy
Democratic Unionist Party
Signed on
26 January 2021
MacNeil, Angus Brendan
Scottish National Party
Signed on
26 January 2021
Monaghan, Carol
Scottish National Party
Signed on
26 January 2021
MacAskill, Kenny
Scottish National Party
Signed on
26 January 2021
Dorans, Allan
Scottish National Party
Signed on
26 January 2021
Selous, Andrew
Signed on
26 January 2021
Rosindell, Andrew
Signed on
27 January 2021
Campbell, Mr Gregory
Democratic Unionist Party
Signed on
28 January 2021
Penning, Sir Mike
Signed on
28 January 2021
Brown, Alan
Scottish National Party
Signed on
29 January 2021
Fellows, Marion
Scottish National Party
Signed on
1 February 2021
Benton, Scott
Signed on
1 February 2021
Whittaker, Craig
Signed on
2 February 2021
Vickers, Martin
Signed on
8 February 2021
Gibson, Patricia
Scottish National Party
Signed on
8 February 2021
Farron, Tim
Liberal Democrat
Signed on
9 February 2021
Wragg, Mr William
Signed on
12 February 2021
Stafford, Alexander
Signed on
15 February 2021
Wilson, Munira
Liberal Democrat
Signed on
16 February 2021
Russell-Moyle, Lloyd
Signed on
11 May 2021
There are no withdrawn signatures for this motion.