Motion text
That this House celebrates Real Bread Week and the recent upsurge in interest in traditional baking methods; welcomes the role of many small and medium sized bakeries across the UK in providing quality and choice for their customers; regrets that commercial pressures have too often led to the inclusion of so-called processing aids and other additives in mass-produced baked goods; further regrets that pressure exerted by retailers on suppliers has seen a general deskilling of the workforce and race to the bottom in the pay and conditions of those employed in the baking industry; is concerned about the implications of automation in further limiting the volume and quality of jobs in the sector; believes that consumers and workers alike benefit from the production methods in the baking of Real Bread, made with healthy, natural ingredients; and therefore calls on the UK government to introduce a new Honest Crust Act to ensure clear and accurate labelling of baked products, and to invest in the ability of businesses of all sizes to further develop skills and well-paid employment opportunities in the sector.
Signatures (32)
The first 6 Members who have signed to support the motion are the sponsors. The primary sponsor is generally the person who tabled the motion and has responsibility for it. The date shown is when the Member signed the motion.
Mearns, Ian
Signed on
22 February 2021
Edwards, Jonathan
Signed on
23 February 2021
Thewliss, Alison
Scottish National Party
Signed on
23 February 2021
Begum, Apsana
Signed on
24 February 2021
Long Bailey, Rebecca
Signed on
23 February 2021
Hill, Mike
Signed on
23 February 2021
In addition to the sponsors, the following Members have signed to support the motion.
Antoniazzi, Tonia
Signed on
23 February 2021
Shannon, Jim
Democratic Unionist Party
Signed on
23 February 2021
Mishra, Navendu
Signed on
23 February 2021
McDonnell, John
Signed on
23 February 2021
Hopkins, Rachel
Signed on
23 February 2021
Corbyn, Jeremy
Signed on
23 February 2021
Morris, Grahame
Signed on
23 February 2021
Byrne, Ian
Signed on
24 February 2021
Dorans, Allan
Scottish National Party
Signed on
24 February 2021
Osborne, Kate
Signed on
24 February 2021
Grant, Peter
Scottish National Party
Signed on
24 February 2021
Barker, Paula
Signed on
24 February 2021
Webbe, Claudia
Signed on
24 February 2021
Lavery, Ian
Signed on
24 February 2021
Burgon, Richard
Signed on
1 March 2021
Lewell-Buck, Mrs Emma
Signed on
2 March 2021
Farron, Tim
Liberal Democrat
Signed on
2 March 2021
Olney, Sarah
Liberal Democrat
Signed on
11 March 2021
Ribeiro-Addy, Bell
Signed on
15 March 2021
Trickett, Jon
Signed on
18 March 2021
Wilson, Munira
Liberal Democrat
Signed on
13 April 2021
Jardine, Christine
Liberal Democrat
Signed on
13 April 2021
Grady, Patrick
Scottish National Party
Signed on
15 April 2021
Cooper, Daisy
Liberal Democrat
Signed on
20 April 2021
Chamberlain, Wendy
Liberal Democrat
Signed on
21 April 2021
Russell-Moyle, Lloyd
Signed on
11 May 2021
There are no withdrawn signatures for this motion.