Motion text
That this House views with concern the reported attack by Bahraini police on political prisoners in Jau Prison on 17 April 2021; notes that reported attack was in response to a sit-in by inmates protesting deteriorating prison conditions and the death of political prisoner Abbas Mallallah; is aware that approximately fifty police officers involved in that incident were led by Captains Ahmed Al-Emadi and Mohamed AbdulHameed; condemns the use of excessive police force, including beating inmates and repeatedly throwing them to the ground face-first during that incident; expresses concern that a number of inmates, including Sayed Alawi Alwadaei and Saeed Abdulemam, sustained injuries during that incident; abhors reports that over 50 inmates have forcibly disappeared following that attack and have since been held incommunicado for 11 days; reminds Bahrain that such mistreatment of prisoners contravenes international law; expresses alarm that victims’ families have since that incident been unable to contact relatives or learn of their whereabouts, despite engagement with Bahraini oversight bodies and prison authorities; condemns the Bahraini Ministry of Interior’s whitewash of abuses against inmates; further condemns that oversight bodies including Bahrain’s Ministry of Interior Ombudsman and the National Institute for Human Rights whitewashed allegations of abuse, blamed victims and failed to investigate those allegations of torture and enforced disappearance in a timely and adequate manner; urges the UK Government to cease providing technical assistance to Bahraini oversight bodies; and calls on the UK Government to publicly condemn the alleged abuse and enforced disappearance of those attack victims.
Signatures (5)
The first 6 Members who have signed to support the motion are the sponsors. The primary sponsor is generally the person who tabled the motion and has responsibility for it. The date shown is when the Member signed the motion.
There are no withdrawn signatures for this motion.