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Alcohol addiction within the South Asian community

EDM (Early Day Motion) 259: tabled on 07 July 2022

Tabled in the 2022-23 session.

This motion has been signed by 6 Members. It has not yet had any amendments submitted.

Motion text

That this House is concerned by the prevalence of alcohol addiction within the South Asian community; is alarmed by the fact that, according to the British Medical Journal, for every 100 white men dying from alcohol-related causes, there are 160 Asian men dying; laments that the UK’s most recent alcohol strategy was published in 2012 and although the Government announced plans for a new strategy in May 2018, this has not been forthcoming; calls on the Government to publish a new Alcohol Strategy that improves the outreach for public health initiatives and ensure that addiction services are designed to reach all communities within the UK; applauds the purpose of the documentary film entitled I’m Jit and I’m an alcoholic by the Leicester-based Community Interest Company 7events and its founder Jit Chauhan, to raise awareness of addiction in the South Asian Community, provide information for addicts to recover and for their families to get help and support; further commends the film’s intention to break the taboo and stigma associated with alcohol in the South Asian community; congratulates everyone involved in this worthwhile project and wishes them further success in their plans to take the film to temples and community centres in Leicester and throughout the UK with the aim of sharing a personal story and forcing people to have conversations so the taboo and stigma around getting help for addiction is broken and people do not fear getting help; and further calls on the Government to ensure such initiatives are supported.