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Release of Ales Bialiatski and Belarusian political prisoners

EDM (Early Day Motion) 616: tabled on 28 November 2022

Tabled in the 2022-23 session.

This motion has been signed by 10 Members. It has not yet had any amendments submitted.

Motion text

That this House congratulates Ales Bialiatski on being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2022 for his tireless and self-sacrificial work for human rights in Belarus; notes with concern that Ales is unable to collect his award because he has now served more than 500 days in detention but is yet to be tried; highlights that Viasna, the human rights organisation Ales is founder and chairperson of, has now declared there to be over 1,400 political prisoners in Belarus; and calls on the illegitimate regime of Aleksandr Lukashenko to release Ales and all other political prisoners, and start the process of holding free and fair elections in Belarus.