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Arrest for silent prayer

EDM (Early Day Motion) 747: tabled on 11 January 2023

Tabled in the 2022-23 session.

This motion has been signed by 7 Members. It has not yet had any amendments submitted.

Motion text

That this House notes the arrest of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce who was standing alone at an abortion clinic which was not open at the time, with no poster or other material with her, when approached by Police she declared that she was not protesting and may have been silently praying but not aloud, declares that Public Space Protection Orders that are used to arrest in circumstances such as this are an outrage to the concept of civil and religious liberty, further believes that Isabel, while under arrest, being questioned as to what the silent prayers were about is a further infringement on civil liberties and calls upon the Home Secretary to declare HMGs' approach to this use of PSPO's.