Motion text
That this House is extremely concerned about Ernest Moret, foreign rights manager of French publisher La Fabrique who, whilst en route to the London Book Fair, was arrested by British police under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act on suspicion of having participated in recent protests against pension reforms in France; notes that whilst he has now been released from police custody on bail, his phone and work computer have been seized so data can be extracted, and he has been summoned to attend a further meeting with the anti-Terror unit in four weeks’ time under threat of legal sanctions; joins organisations such as the National Union of Journalists and PEN International in believing that this incident represents a dangerous precedent for anyone concerned to protect freedom of expression including press and academic freedom and the protection of confidential sources and material; and therefore calls for an urgent review to ensure that Schedule 7 powers are not being abused to suppress democratic and human rights and criminalise political dissent in the UK or overseas.
Signatures (21)
The first 6 Members who have signed to support the motion are the sponsors. The primary sponsor is generally the person who tabled the motion and has responsibility for it. The date shown is when the Member signed the motion.
Morris, Grahame
Signed on
20 April 2023
McDonnell, John
Signed on
20 April 2023
Edwards, Jonathan
Signed on
24 April 2023
Trickett, Jon
Signed on
21 April 2023
Carden, Dan
Signed on
21 April 2023
Johnson, Kim
Signed on
21 April 2023
In addition to the sponsors, the following Members have signed to support the motion.
Whittome, Nadia
Signed on
21 April 2023
Begum, Apsana
Signed on
21 April 2023
Lucas, Caroline
Green Party
Signed on
24 April 2023
Lavery, Ian
Signed on
24 April 2023
Corbyn, Jeremy
Signed on
24 April 2023
Stephens, Chris
Scottish National Party
Signed on
25 April 2023
Sheppard, Tommy
Scottish National Party
Signed on
25 April 2023
Williams, Hywel
Plaid Cymru
Signed on
26 April 2023
Lake, Ben
Plaid Cymru
Signed on
26 April 2023
Saville Roberts, Liz
Plaid Cymru
Signed on
26 April 2023
Hanna, Claire
Social Democratic & Labour Party
Signed on
27 April 2023
Thewliss, Alison
Scottish National Party
Signed on
27 April 2023
Burgon, Richard
Signed on
12 May 2023
Maskell, Rachael
Signed on
22 May 2023
Ribeiro-Addy, Bell
Signed on
10 July 2023
There are no withdrawn signatures for this motion.