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Ultra Low Emissions Zone Expansion in London

EDM (Early Day Motion) 1364: tabled on 22 June 2023

Tabled in the 2022-23 session.

This motion has been signed by 7 Members. It has not yet had any amendments submitted.

Motion text

That this House recognises the importance of action to reduce harmful air pollution and traffic emissions in London; yet notes with concern both the way and speed with which the expansion of the Ultra Low Emissions Zone to outer London has been handled by the Mayor of London; believes the design of the ULEZ expansion has failed to take into account people’s different transport needs in London’s suburbs and the current cost of living crisis; notes that the first expansion of the ULEZ was rolled out over three years, compared to just eight months for the second; notes that, despite a welcome broadening of eligibility criteria for the Mayor’s scrappage scheme, this will only become effective a month before the expansion, has not been accompanied with an increase in funding and still excludes many vulnerable residents and businesses; notes that central government has provided funding towards scrappage schemes in Bristol, Birmingham, Portsmouth and Manchester, but has failed to provide equivalent support for those living in the home counties travelling into London regularly; is especially worried that this failure means many keyworkers and others vital to London’s economy and public services will be badly hit; and therefore calls on the Mayor of London to delay the roll out of ULEZ to the outer London boroughs given the cost of living crisis and the scheme’s design faults, to double the London scrappage scheme and improve public transport in the suburbs, and calls on the Government to fund a home counties scrappage scheme.