Motion text
That this House extends its best wishes to the family of Freddie Mercury, who grew up in Feltham alongside Brian May, on what would have been Freddie’s 77th birthday; recognises the enormous contribution of Freddie Mercury and Queen to music and culture and the love for Freddie, which is still felt around the world; thanks Emi, Rico and Japanese fans for their donation of a Sakura tree in recognition of Freddie’s love of Japanese culture and of cherry trees; and congratulates Angela Parton and volunteers from the Friends of Feltham Green on their organising of an event in Freddie’s honour and the unveiling of the Sakura tree by Freddie’s sister Kashmira and the Mayor of Hounslow Cllr Afzal Kiani, which will be planted in the Freddie Mercury Memorial Gardens and be an inspiration in tribute to Freddie for generations to come.
Signatures (14)
The first 6 Members who have signed to support the motion are the sponsors. The primary sponsor is generally the person who tabled the motion and has responsibility for it. The date shown is when the Member signed the motion.
Malhotra, Seema
Signed on
5 September 2023
Jardine, Christine
Liberal Democrat
Signed on
6 September 2023
Grady, Patrick
Scottish National Party
Signed on
6 September 2023
Stephens, Chris
Scottish National Party
Signed on
6 September 2023
Edwards, Jonathan
Signed on
7 September 2023
Lake, Ben
Plaid Cymru
Signed on
8 September 2023
In addition to the sponsors, the following Members have signed to support the motion.
Williams, Hywel
Plaid Cymru
Signed on
8 September 2023
Saville Roberts, Liz
Plaid Cymru
Signed on
8 September 2023
Foy, Mary Kelly
Signed on
8 September 2023
Osborne, Kate
Signed on
11 September 2023
Thewliss, Alison
Scottish National Party
Signed on
14 September 2023
McDonnell, John
Signed on
18 September 2023
Burgon, Richard
Signed on
18 September 2023
Hanvey, Neale
Alba Party
Signed on
25 October 2023
There are no withdrawn signatures for this motion.