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West Lothian College LGBT Charter Gold Accreditation

EDM (Early Day Motion) 433: tabled on 27 February 2024

Tabled in the 2023-24 session.

This motion has been signed by 6 Members. It has not yet had any amendments submitted.

Motion text

That this House commends West Lothian College on becoming the first college in Scotland to achieve the LGBT Charter Gold Accreditation; understands that the college was presented with the award in February which is LGBT History Month; recognises that achieving the accreditation involved significant work by both students and staff including training over 100 college staff in LGBT and Trans Awareness training and creating new initiatives such as Ask Ally that offers support for transgender, non-binary and gender-diverse staff and students; believes that the award demonstrates the college’s commitment to creating a campus that supports LGBT people in every aspect of their study; notes that West Lothian college was previously awarded Silver status in their first attempt at the accreditation when most institutions only receive Bronze status; congratulates the college on taking steps to ensure that West Lothian College is a positive space for LGBT students; and encourages other education institutions to work towards the accreditation.