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Great Daffodil Appeal 2024

EDM (Early Day Motion) 434: tabled on 27 February 2024

Tabled in the 2023-24 session.

This motion has been signed by 10 Members. It has not yet had any amendments submitted.

Motion text

That this House notes with pride the Great Daffodil Appeal 2024, which is Marie Curie's Biggest Annual Fundraising Campaign, held every March, when millions of people wear their daffodil badge to show support and awareness for those battling terminal illness; highlights that currently one in four people in the UK don't get the care they need at the end of life and that the appeal raises money to ensure that Marie Curie can be there for more people at the end of their lives, in their homes and in hospices; and urges people to consider taking part in fundraising or to go yellow, to make or wear something yellow to help ensure people can get the help that they need.