Motion text
That this House condemns the appalling destruction of the wildlife area in the heart of the traditional Middlesex village of Longford by the new owners of the land, Yasar Nawaz and Kamaljit Singh Gill, contrary to the assurances they gave to the local villagers; notes that in addition to the ripping up of the natural fauna and flora on the site, the riverside tree, in which the kingfishers have perched for years, has now been uprooted; further notes that despite appeals for action the Environment Agency has significantly failed to protect this waterside area; expresses fear that there is a strong possibility there will now be an attempt to use this site for off airport car parking that has blighted the local area; and consequently urges Hillingdon Council to be vigilant in enforcing its planning policies against such misuse of this site.
Signatures (5)
The first 6 Members who have signed to support the motion are the sponsors. The primary sponsor is generally the person who tabled the motion and has responsibility for it. The date shown is when the Member signed the motion.
There are no withdrawn signatures for this motion.