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Alan Gloak MBE

EDM (Early Day Motion) 85: tabled on 29 July 2024

Tabled in the 2024-25 session.

This motion has been signed by 8 Members. It has not yet had any amendments submitted.

Motion text

That this House celebrates the life of Alan Gloak MBE; thanks him for his services to Somerset as a dedicated councillor; former Mayor of Glastonbury, and a tireless Liberal Democrat campaigner; recognises the pioneering role he played for the LGBTQ+ community as a writer for HIM magazine and Q International; is grateful for his contributions to Somerset life including establishing Glastonbury in Bloom over 25 years ago, and founding the charity TS5C which supported young able-bodied and disabled athletes in Somerset; appreciates his constant advocacy of change, freedom of expression and community spirit; and commemorates a life well lived.