Motion text
That this House congratulates Edinburgh-based Lothian Buses on being awarded the much coveted status of Bus Operator of the Year at the National Transport Awards; agrees that this achievement is testament to the hard work of staff across Lothian Buses; notes that all trips within the service are only £2, that those under 22 or over 60 travel for free, and that there are daily and weekly caps on contactless ticketing limited to £4.80 and £22 respectively; further notes that, for 2023, Lothian Buses issued a £3.2m dividend to its municipal owners; highlights that, in 2023, the municipal operator carried 110 million customers within the Edinburgh City Region, an increase of 17% on 2022; also notes that this growth has been underpinned by training 450 drivers in 2023, and that they join a cohort of some of the best paid in the industry; respects that the Ministry of Defence has awarded Lothian Buses gold status as part of the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme, and won the silver award in the Employer of the Year category at the Scottish Veterans Awards; agrees that, not only does Lothian Buses provide millions of reliable journeys to passengers every week, it also supports efficient, sustainable public transport, and our net zero goals, the impacts of which will benefit the city and our country for generations to come; and thanks all at Lothian Buses for the work they do across the city region every day to connect us with work, study, leisure, friends and family.
Signatures (6)
The first 6 Members who have signed to support the motion are the sponsors. The primary sponsor is generally the person who tabled the motion and has responsibility for it. The date shown is when the Member signed the motion.
Arthur, Dr Scott
Signed on
10 October 2024
McDougall, Blair
Signed on
14 October 2024
Shannon, Jim
Democratic Unionist Party
Signed on
14 October 2024
Sullivan, Kirsteen
Signed on
14 October 2024
Foy, Mary Kelly
Signed on
14 October 2024
Gilbert, Tracy
Signed on
15 October 2024
There are no withdrawn signatures for this motion.