Motion text
That this House celebrates the launch of Northern Ireland Apprenticeship Week 2025; notes that the initiative seeks to raise the profile of apprenticeships and promote participation across all levels and vocations; highlights that this is led by the Department for Economy and that this years theme is "getting it right for you" which underlines that over 13,000 people in Northern Ireland are doing apprenticeships and more people than ever are choosing to pursue apprenticeships as a stepping stone to their chosen career; thanks the Department for Economy for championing apprenticeship opportunities in Northern Ireland; and sends best wishes to everyone working hard to achieve their goals through apprenticeships.
Signatures (4)
The first 6 Members who have signed to support the motion are the sponsors. The primary sponsor is generally the person who tabled the motion and has responsibility for it. The date shown is when the Member signed the motion.
There are no withdrawn signatures for this motion.